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AACM Affiliate Partner – Phoenix Membership

Online Application

AACM Membership FAQ – Affiliate Members

Welcome to the AACM family. We are glad to have you with us and are confident that your membership will be of great value to your organization. Below are some commonly asked questions and answers. Please feel free to contact our office if there is anything you would like to know that is not covered on this sheet or the accompanying information.

What is the core purpose of AACM and what is its Mission (statement)?

AACM was started by 7 founding members in 2003 and established in 2004. The goal was to create a voice in the state government for community HOA management companies and their homeowners and to educate Management staff on legislative directives and help them to understand how it would impact their communities.

How does the Affiliate membership program work and what benefit to my business could I expect from having a membership with AACM?

The Affiliate program consists of three tiers of membership: Platinum, Gold and Silber. Each level has a set of benefits attached to it with different pricings by level. You may apply at any level depending on where you feel your group would be most comfortable. You can increase your level at any time throughout the year but decreasing levels is during the renewal process only.

How can my organization assist to ensure a favorable return on our investment? How can we help from our end to make the association with AACM successful?

It goes without saying that the more you participate in meetings, events, and education classes the more your organization will benefit. It is not required to attend events for example, but it is an excellent opportunity to become familiar with other Affiliates and of course, Management groups.

What types of networking events do AACM produce? How can Affiliates participate and is there a cost?

Most of the events that AACM produces have need of sponsors for the event. The cost of the different levels of sponsorship varies depending on the event. There is a Sponsorship and Networking Budget Guide in your packet. For details regarding sponsorships, please contact events at

What does AACM provide in the opportunities to interact with other Affiliates and Management companies?

Aside from the annual calendar of events, AACM offers opportunities for exposure through the website and its resource directory. Depending on the level of your membership, you may also have opportunities to present or teach at lectures and classes held at the AACM office. Platinum members may post signage in our training rooms where it would be seen by students in class.

What type of training is there for new Affiliates coming into AACM?

  • Roundtable – AACM holds quarterly roundtable meetings for new Affiliates explain the departments and how they each fit into the Affiliate program, what you can expect from us and what we expect from each Affiliate
  • AAP program – The AAP class is held quarterly a year, and the purpose is to give all Affiliates a Birdseye view of what it is like in the world of HOA Management. It is important that Affiliates understand the day-to-day constraints of the Managers and vice versa. Additional information is provided in your packet.
  • Mentorship Program – AACM offers this program to those that would like assistance navigating what membership can do for your group. The mentors are long time Affiliates that are willing to share the ins and outs of the business.

Is there a limit to the number of Affiliates in each vendor category?

The number of Affiliates in each category changes regularly. If you would like more information on your line of business, the full list is on our website or contact the membership department at

What is the length of membership with AACM and what are the differences in the three levels?

A membership year runs January through December; however, you can become a member at any time. The advantage to joining or renewing at the first opportunity is being able to take advantage of a year’ worth of events. The difference in pricing and benefits for each level is included in the current Levels and Comparison sheet you have been provided. Please contact for further information.

This is the first time our organization has worked with AACM; what level would be best for my organization, and can I change levels after joining?

The Level and Benefits Comparison sheet will allow you to review what type of commitment your company is willing to begin with. Most Affiliates try their first year at Silver but some who are familiar with the benefits of AACM membership join at the Platinum level. It is up to you and as mentioned, you can upgrade at any time.

How often during the membership year would I expect to interact with AACM staff outside of the scheduled events?

AACM staff may reach out several times each year with housekeeping items and notices of general information. Some of these instances would be information for our contact database and website to ensure we have the most current data for your business. We will use your contact information to keep you informed about our events, education classes and other events happening at AACM. It is very important and your responsibility to forward any changes to your account to We have several databases. If we do not have current data, you will likely miss out on opportunities that could be of value to your organization. We’re here to support you! You may reach out to us as often as you’d like.

Why is there a Code of Conduct for my organization to sign off on?

At AACM we believe in transparency, ethical business practices and professional conduct. We expect from staff, Board members, Affiliates, Management and HOA groups and any other entities that do business with or for AACM. This Code of Conduct was created by our Board of Directors, and we believe it is a necessary step in building and retaining professional relationships. If you have further questions about our Code of Conduct, please contact our Executive Director at the AACM office number.

What do I need to do to join and what does the process look like?

In the pack or email you received that is an

  • Application – to be completed and returned
  • Code of Conduct – to be completed and returned
  • Company Logo – send to AACM JPG or PNG
  • Calendar of events
  • Information Change Form
  • Information about the AAP class

Read over the information, complete the application and sign the Code of Conduct. Return those two documents along with a JPG or PNG file of your company logo to You will receive an invoice for payment. After payment is received (we accept Check, ACH, Credit Card, and Venmo), we will post your information to the AACM website.

If there are changes in my company contacts or general information, how do I work with AACM to ensure I am receiving all necessary information?

The information change form is available on the AACM website. When changes occur, complete the change form and email it to Please keep in mind that you are responsible for informing AACM of all changes to your account.

AACM Levels & Benefits – Phoenix Affiliate Membership

Working together for the benefit of Arizona’s communities & the families that live in them.

AACM’S Objective

AACM strives for a positive, long-lasting relationship with our Affiliate Partners and the first step is to choose the Affiliate Partner level that works best for your company. Using all the opportunities within your partnership level will help you obtain the greatest benefit.

Sponsorship & Networking Opportunities

There are many opportunities to network and sponsor to include our Tradeshow, Golf Tournament, 4 Luncheons annually and many more. What a chance to launch your involvement with AACM and our members.

Level Benefit Overview


Platinum, you unlock the opportunity to participate in AACM Education. You can apply to be on the Education committee, register to present your company prior to an education class, have an 18X24 company post in our training room and much more!


Gold, you have a marketing opportunity to have a full table at our luncheon as managers’ register, a combined Gold Affiliate Partner poster in our training room and many other great opportunities.


Siver, this is our entry-level partnership with the opportunity to have a half-marketing table at our luncheons along with being able to join our committees. Participating in our events is a great way to network with members and other affiliates.

At a Glance

Affiliate Partner Levels

  • Platinum – $5,250.00
  • Gold – $2,750.00
  • Silver – $1,500.00

Basic Benefits

  • Display AACM LogoDebbie Rudd
  • Member Contact List
  • Participation in Committees
  • Referral Credits
  • Volunteer Opportunities

I would like to thank you for your consideration of becoming an Affiliate Partner with AACM.

My mission is to provide our Management & Individual Members with qualified Affiliate Partners. Working together, we can help each other be successful. AACM offers the tools, education and opportunities to grow strong relationships and businesses.

Debbie Rudd, Executive Director

Bringing over 20 years of HOA industry experience to AACM. 

Affiliate Partnership Benefits

$1,500 Annually
$2,750 Annually
$5,250 Annually
Display AACM Logo
Use AACM logo on your marketing material, business cards, email signature block & brochures to let everyone know you are an Affiliate Partner of AACM
Members Contact List
Spreadsheet with primary and vendor contact information for each member
Printed Directory
Subject to Change
Must be an affiliate by February 28th to be included that year. Listed by Level alphabetically in your service category & level
Half Page Listing with company logo & website Full Listing, company logo, website, 500 characters Company description Full Listing, company logo, website, 800 characters Company description
AACM Website Directory
Listed alphabetically by level & category
Full Listing, Company Logo & Website Link Full Listing, Company Logo & Website Link Full Listing, Company Logo & Website Link
Participate in Events
Golf Tournament, Trade Shows, and other events (additional costs apply)
Participate on Committees
Events, Membership & Outreach
Platinum Partner Website Spotlight
Platinum Partner logos displayed on scroll AACM & Education website
Marketing Table at Luncheon
(Request at time of Luncheon RSVP)
Half marketing table in the lobby Full Marketing table in the lobby Platinum Partner Bag – Add your business care &/or goodies for managers
Platinum Partner Special Seating
Reserves table with &/or AACM Board & Guests table (limit 1 each, subject to availability)
Annual Platinum Partner Event
With AACM Board & Management Member Executives
Refer an HOA Management Company or Affiliate Partner
If they join, you will be paid a referral fee by the level they join – Not to exceed $1,000 in a fiscal year.
If they join at Silver you receive $25 If they join at Gold you receive $50 If they join at Platinum you receive $100
Accredited Affiliate Partner Program (AAP)
Attend an AAP class and receive a special AAP logo to use on your email signature and website. Receive recognition in the online directory and printed Resource Connections Directory.
Instruct CAAM / CEU Courses
(requires approval)
Receive Second Pick after Platinum
Receives First Pick
Participating on the Education Committee
Help develop CAAM / CEU course material (requires application process)
Sponsor CAAM & CEU Classes
With our new Hybrid education, you can meet managers both in person and virtual. You can bring in snacks, set up a retractable banner, and place swag and/or marketing material at each seat. (scheduled in advance)
AACM PAC Raffles
Provide prizes to be raffled off at events or luncheons
Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities
Directory Ads, Golf Tournament, Trade Shows & other events
Volunteer at Events
(Not Applicable at Tradeshow)
PowerPoint Slideshow
Highlighted on slideshow displayed at beginning of all CAAM & CEU classes
Company Name listed along with logo
Advertising Poster
Displayed in our classroom.
Platinum – we frame & you can change it out as often as you like
Gold – Done annually at the beginning of the year
Large, shared poster
provided by AACM
18”x24” Poster
(portrait or landscape)
Presentation to AACM Board
A 10-minute presentation to AACM Board prior to their meeting (scheduled in advance – restrictions apply)
Retractable Banner
Display retractable banner at events and class sponsorships (standard size 33” W x 80” H)